Why The Long Absence from Writing

The last you heard from me was at the end of February when I shared my life lesson in relinquishing a family heirloom. What also happened on that same day, was that as we emptied the remaining furniture in that downstairs guestroom to make way for my new clinic space...

On Relinquishing

There’s this ritual I do when I release an object that has held a meaningful place in my heart. First, I pause and recognize that while it may be a small thing to those around me, this moment is significant to me, and I need to visit with the why. And then second, I...

Lessons Learned: a New Chapter

New chapter? Wait? What? Was there a book?    Before you get excited, no. When I go through something big, something that takes up a lot of headspace and energy, I look at that as a new chapter. These are usually unexpected or unwanted. As we’re rolling into...

How to Listen to Our Bodies

In J. Barrie Shepherd’s book, Faces at the Manger, he offers that perhaps one of the reasons the holy family was visited by a ragtag group of shepherds, and not more important sophisticated guests, was because the shepherds were the only ones who listened and...

On Being a Good Patient

Having practiced physical therapy now for 32 years, with a Bachelor of Science and a doctorate of Physical Therapy under my belt, one would think I know a thing or two about what it means to be a good patient. But recently, after having been hospitalized for nearly 5...

When the Healer Needs Healing

It’s been a moment. A whole lot of moments. I am writing to let you know I am still here😊. My writing focus has changed slightly, as this very active, very healthy PT has become the patient. And great news! My advice on health and healing works well for me too. You...