
Karen Morgan

Recent Blog Posts

Why The Long Absence from Writing

Why The Long Absence from Writing

The last you heard from me was at the end of February when I shared my life lesson in relinquishing a family heirloom. What also happened on that same day, was that as we emptied the remaining furniture in that downstairs guestroom to make way for my new clinic space...

On Relinquishing

On Relinquishing

There’s this ritual I do when I release an object that has held a meaningful place in my heart. First, I pause and recognize that while it may be a small thing to those around me, this moment is significant to me, and I need to visit with the why. And then second, I...

An Arthritic Knee: Jan’s Story

An Arthritic Knee: Jan’s Story

Thanks to Nathan Dumlao for his photo  A Visit This past weekend longtime friends from south of Seattle visited us. Jan and I have been dear friends since college days at CSULB in California and I am very familiar with her arthritic woes.  But as she...

Patient Stories

An Arthritic Knee: Jan’s Story

An Arthritic Knee: Jan’s Story

Thanks to Nathan Dumlao for his photo  A Visit This past weekend longtime friends from south of Seattle visited us. Jan and I have been dear friends since college days at CSULB in California and I am very familiar with her arthritic woes.  But as she...

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Sara’s Story: Hope’s Role in Healing Body and Soul

Sara’s Story: Hope’s Role in Healing Body and Soul

Sara burst through the door of my clinic one recent morning and exclaimed, “I’ve been working on a testimonial for your website and the Google reviews, but there’s so much I want to say.” She paused for a breath. “How long am I allowed to make it?” I laughed. I knew...

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Personal Reflections

Why The Long Absence from Writing

Why The Long Absence from Writing

The last you heard from me was at the end of February when I shared my life lesson in relinquishing a family heirloom. What also happened on that same day, was that as we emptied the remaining furniture in that downstairs guestroom to make way for my new clinic space...

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On Relinquishing

On Relinquishing

There’s this ritual I do when I release an object that has held a meaningful place in my heart. First, I pause and recognize that while it may be a small thing to those around me, this moment is significant to me, and I need to visit with the why. And then second, I...

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Lessons Learned: a New Chapter

Lessons Learned: a New Chapter

New chapter? Wait? What? Was there a book?    Before you get excited, no. When I go through something big, something that takes up a lot of headspace and energy, I look at that as a new chapter. These are usually unexpected or unwanted. As we’re rolling into...

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An Arthritic Knee: Jan’s Story

An Arthritic Knee: Jan’s Story

Thanks to Nathan Dumlao for his photo  A Visit This past weekend longtime friends from south of Seattle visited us. Jan and I have been dear friends since college days at CSULB in California and I am very familiar with her arthritic woes.  But as she...

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Can We Re-Design the Healthcare Setting?

Can We Re-Design the Healthcare Setting?

“Do you serve dinner?” My last patient of the day enjoyed her evaluation experience at the clinic so much she was reluctant to leave. "I had to ask. I mean, this is so great." THAT is what you want in a clinic setting. Recently, I've been invited into a lively...

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Physical Therapy Is Essential

Physical Therapy Is Essential

And we need it now more than ever What makes PT essential? If you ever had to deal with debilitating pain or struggled to function following an injury, you would probably agree a wholistic physical therapy service is essential. As the owner of a solo outpatient...

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