by Karen Morgan | Sep 25, 2023 | Healthcare, Patient Stories
Thanks to Nathan Dumlao for his photo A Visit This past weekend longtime friends from south of Seattle visited us. Jan and I have been dear friends since college days at CSULB in California and I am very familiar with her arthritic woes. But as she...
by Karen Morgan | Apr 8, 2023 | Personal Reflections
New chapter? Wait? What? Was there a book? Before you get excited, no. When I go through something big, something that takes up a lot of headspace and energy, I look at that as a new chapter. These are usually unexpected or unwanted. As we’re rolling into...
by Karen Morgan | Feb 22, 2023 | Patient Stories
Sara burst through the door of my clinic one recent morning and exclaimed, “I’ve been working on a testimonial for your website and the Google reviews, but there’s so much I want to say.” She paused for a breath. “How long am I allowed to make it?” I laughed. I knew...
by Karen Morgan | Dec 13, 2022 | Personal Reflections
In J. Barrie Shepherd’s book, Faces at the Manger, he offers that perhaps one of the reasons the holy family was visited by a ragtag group of shepherds, and not more important sophisticated guests, was because the shepherds were the only ones who listened and...
by Karen Morgan | Jun 23, 2022 | Personal Reflections
It’s been a moment. A whole lot of moments. I am writing to let you know I am still here😊. My writing focus has changed slightly, as this very active, very healthy PT has become the patient. And great news! My advice on health and healing works well for me too. You...